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2019/8/16 9:17:27发布139次查看
on-farmin russia (ii): lipetsk 8, a modern swine facility
russia is full of stories. from a visit t o cherkizovo’s brand newsow farm, called ‘dankov lipetsk 89’, a range of interesting tales cametogether. today, part ii of a four-part series from pig-producing russia: swinefarm lipetsk 8.
distant views, endless clouds, fertile land, hardly any villages andstraight roads for miles on end. when driving around in lipetsk region, one canstart to imagine russia’s incredible potential, as this is only one of manyregions in the largest country in the world.
one of cherkizovo’smost recent production locations is the breed-to-wean facility dankov lipetsk89 (or short lipetsk 89) located at about 30 km from dankov, lipetsk region. infact, the facility consists of two farms in one location (lipetsk 8 and lipetsk9), being each other’s exact mirrors. both can house a total of 6,750 sowplaces on either side, leading to a total of 13,500 sows.
俄罗斯到处都是故事。从参观cherkizovo’s全新的猪场,称为“dankov lipetsk 89”,发生了一系列有趣的故事。今天我们讲的是俄罗斯生猪生产系列的第二部分:lipetsk8猪场。
放眼望去,无边的云,肥沃的土地,几乎没有任何村庄和长达数英里的笔直道路。在lipetsk 地区行驶过程中,可以开始想象俄罗斯不可思议的潜力,因为这只是世界上最大的国家其中之一。
cherkizovo’s最近的一个生产地点是dankov lipetsk 89(或简称shortlipetsk 89),位于离lipetsk地区的dankov约30公里处。事实上,该设施设备由位于同一地点的两个农场组成(lipetsk 8和lipetsk 9),它们是彼此的一面镜子。两边都可饲养6,750头母猪,总共可饲养13,500头母猪。
lipetsk 8 is a very clean and modernfacility. photo: vincent ter beek
lipetsk8是一个非常干净和现代化设施的猪场。图片:vincent ter beek
separate entrances for both pig farmcomplexes
the complex has one entrance and one central feed delivery point, after that there are separate entrances for lipetsk 8 and lipetsk 9, and also the production is strictly separated. the complex was built in 2016 and first gilts arrived in february 2017. the farm looks modern and clean from the inside, with remarkably few insects around. overseeing the production in lipetsk 8 is farm manager oksana bazan.
on the outside it resembles a typical us facility with its whitefarm buildings, large set-up and huge fans. coming closer, however, featurescan be seen which are typical for russia in 2019. for one, the farm site issurrounded by fences, so feed trucks have to deliver their load outside thefences into silos.
该综合体有一个入口和一个中央进料输送点,之后有单独的入口供lipetsk 8和lipetsk 9使用,并且生产区也被严格分开。该建筑于2016年建成,2017年2月引进首批后备母猪。这个农场从内部看很现代,很干净,周围昆虫特别少。负责lipetsk8生产的是农场经理oksanabazan。
upon entrance lipetsk 8, identification has to be left behind and a uniformed security officer checks every visitor and pockets have to be emptied to make sure nothing unwanted gets on-site or leave the facility. next is a change of footwear, and in the subsequent building, a mandatory shower. the photo camera has to go through half an hour of intensive uv treatment.
allprecautionsofcoursearerelatedto africanswinefever (asf),more on this in part iii on biosecurity – to be published on friday, august 3.
在lipetsk 8农场入口处,一名穿制服的安保人员检查每一位访客,必须清空口袋,确保没有任何不必要的东西或设备进入场区,登记后方可进入。接下来是换鞋,在随后的建筑中,必须要淋浴。照相机必须经过半小时的紫外线消毒。
instructions for staff are provided inenglish and russian. photo: vincent ter beek
对员工的工作要求以英文和俄文提供。图片:vincent ter beek
climate control systems for summer andwinter
each room on the farm is equipped with 2 complementary climatecontrol systems, one for the summer and one for the winter. in summer,temperatures can rise to above 30c in a relatively short timeframe, for whichthe evaporative cooling systems are installed. winters can be long and harsh,and for that, each room is equipped with gas heaters, which can send heated airthrough each room.
brad heron, director of the pork division at cherkizovo, describesrussia as a ‘country that is great in implementing work’. once given clearinstructions, russian workers usually follow these meticulously. hence, allover the farm there can be found bilingual instruction sheets. as long asanybody’s responsibilities are clear and in writing, all work gets done.
cherkizovo猪肉部门总监brad heron形容俄罗斯是一个“执行力出色的国家”。一旦得到明确指示,俄罗斯工人通常会一丝不苟地遵守这些制度。因此,农场里到处都有双语说明书。只要每个人的责任是明确的和书面的,所有的工作会很好的完成。
farrowing rooms分娩舍
in total, 22 rooms with 52 farrowing pens are devoted to farrowing. the piglets are weaned at 20 days, after which they are sent to cherkizovo wean-to-finish locations. the farm produces piglets of roughly 6 kg which then will be sent to own grower-finisher locations. the majority of the 214,136 weaner pigs (2018) will be sent to farms in a 50 km radius around one of the company’s packing plants. male piglets do not get castrated but will receive a treatment with immunovaccination (improvac). all piglets are vaccinated against pcv2 and mycoplasma (as long as the bacteria is not phased out). notably, the farm is applying needle-free vaccination. amoxycillin is used when a situation asks for it.
总共有22个产房,52个产栏用于分娩。仔猪20天断奶,然后转到cherkizovo 断奶至育肥区。将断奶重大约6公斤的仔猪,转到生长育肥区饲养。214,136头猪(2018年)大部分将被送往一家食品加工厂周围50公里的屠宰场。公仔不去势,但会注射去除异味的药物。所有猪接种圆环2型疫苗和支原体。值得注意的是,农场正在进行无针注射。一般使用阿莫西林治疗。
a heater in every room will keep the pigscomfortable during winter. photo: vincent ter beek
每间屋子里都有暖气,这样猪在冬天就会感到舒适。图片:vincent ter beek
sows are fed a pelleted mixture of mostly wheat and soybeans, supplemented with corn, sunflower cake and peas. most feed comes from cherkizovo’s extensive land masses (the integration owns 237,000 ha of crop land) and is subsequently processed in its own feed plants. the feed is administered to the lactating sows by hand, that way the employees can keep a close eye on whether or not the animals need something extra. in the farrowing rooms, there is round the clock staff available.
母猪的饲料主要是小麦和大豆,辅以玉米、向日葵饼和豌豆的颗粒料。大多数饲料来自cherkizovo’s 广阔的土地(该综合区拥有237000公顷的耕地),然后在自己的饲料厂加工。人工给哺乳母猪加料,这样员工就可以密切观察母猪是否需要额外的帮助。产房24小时有人值班。
lipetsk 8, cherkizovo
location: dankov, lipetsk region, russia
farm: dankov lipetsk 8, as it is officially called, is a 6,200 sow farrow-to-wean multiplication facility within the large cherkizovo integration. the farm is located near the town dankov, at about 90 minute drive north of lipetsk, in lipetsk region, russia. on average, the facility reaches 15.2 total born piglets, of which 12.9 are weaned. with 2.57 litters/sow/year and a wean-to-finish mortality of 7% the farm reaches 30.83 pigs marketed per sow. farrowing rate is around 92-93% and pre-weaning mortality stands at 9-10%. altogether, the farm site works with 33 employees.
lipetsk 8, cherkizovo
地点:dankov,lipetsk region,俄罗斯
农场:正式名称dankov lipetsk8,是一个有6200头母猪,从产房到断奶一体化的二元扩繁场。该农场位于俄罗斯 dankov附近,dankov以北约90分钟车程的 lipetsk。平均而言,该农场的总产仔数达到15.2头,断奶12.9头。 每头母猪年产仔数为2.57窝,断奶至育肥死亡率为7%,psy 30.83头。产仔率在92-93%之间,断奶前死亡率为9-10%。农场总共有33名员工。
gestation rooms妊娠舍
in total, 6 rooms are for gestating sows. mr heron says, “we do notbreed or feed returns, pregnancy check negatives or p3+ late weaners. we manageto a strict non-productive day budget and benchmark that so this strategy doesnot come at an additional cost.”right at the beginning of the gestation rooms,there are about eight pens with sows, kept in groups. quite a lot of them haveblue spots on their heads. “they are parity 1 sows, they get marked,” explainsmr heron. “we’ve run some trials and we found out that they can do with anextra bit of feeding after they’ve been weaned for the first time. that’s whywe keep them here for 3 weeks on free feed. brings us one pig per litterextra.”
总共有6个妊娠舍。heron说:“我们不饲养返情母猪、妊检不孕、超过3胎及断奶延迟母猪。我们严格按照非生产天数管理母猪。所以这个战略不需要额外的成本。” 刚进入妊娠舍,大约有8个栏位分组饲养。很多母猪头上有蓝色的标记。“之所以会被标记,因为它们是1胎母猪”heron解释道。“我们做过试验,发现它们在第一次断奶后需要额外的营养。这就是为什么让它们自由采食三周的原因。因为每窝多给我们带来一头仔猪的收益。
sows get vaccinated against e. coli and classical swine fever (csf).
read also partiii and partiv



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